Thursday, June 26, 2008

Whats Anjeer In English

Today we returned to do PCR.
saw the differences in results when using magnesium (left) or omitted to use (right).
While waiting for the thermocycler finished work, seek information in folders and Adriana gave us a website recommended by her: / PubMed

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Jack In The Box Mascot Actor

At this meeting we electrophoresis. Adriana first showed us how to prepare plates and prepared the gel. To use a gel buffer (tristaurinaEDTA) piperazine acrylamide, ethylene glycol, formamide, distilled water, persulfate and fear.
The pipette we use for acrylamide should be dismissed because the chemical (uncured) is very toxic.
We had to do twice the gel because it gelled.
When the race was ready we took her to UV. Adriana
showed us copies of gels and some gels that were saved and we get information to photocopy.

today Photos:

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Carribean Themed Prom

Thursday, 19 June Thursday 12 June Thursday, 5 June

PCR made at this meeting, which aims to amplify with specific primers a DNA fragment of interest.
to the mix that we add to the DNA samples we use water, buffer, dNTP, Mg, primers and TaqPol.
must meet certain conditions:
• The first should be 18 to 24 pairs of bases and can not have Police, polygamists, poly or political.
• The temperature of annealing (hybridization) can not be less than 50 º C and should be about 5 ° C below the melting temperature.
· T. Melting = 4 (G + C) + 2 (A + T). Should be given between 40 and 60%.

also did DNA extractions.

today Photos:

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

What Can You Wear With A Halter

This week we started working with patients suffering from Von Willebrand disease type 2N. As in the past encounter raw blood DNA extracted using the same method. Due to time constraints we had to conclude the pilot to continue it in this part next week.

today Photos: