Thursday, October 30, 2008

How Often Do Nhl Players Get New Gloves


Research in Molecular Biochemistry and Proteomics 2008

For the fourth year students in their final year of the specialty Chemical Technical School ORT Argentina made their final projects at various universities and with i ESEARCH recognized professionals. The working methodology avoids the didactic transposition allowing students to make their final activity where the project is being generated.
The relationship between the average and the graduate school is sponsored by the CONICET (National Research Council Science and Technology).
research projects for the current year are:
  • Evaluation of the expression of adhesion molecule epithelial cadherin in human normal and tumor tissues. Investigator: Dr. Monica Vazquez-Levin. Institute of Molecular Biology and Medicine (IBYME-CONICET). Students: Yael Dobzewicz, Gala Szapiro.

  • action of hexachlorobenzene (HCB) on uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase of a human hepatocyte cell line. Mechanism of action. Investigator: Dr. María del Carmen Ríos de Molina. Biological Chemistry Department, Faculty of Natural Sciences. Students: Lucas Toiw, Uriel Frid.

  • Experimental models of metabolic diseases: porphyria and Metabolic Syndrome. Proteomics and Metabolomics of these disturbances. Investigator: Dr. Martha White Mazzetti. Biological Chemistry Department, Faculty of Natural Sciences (UBA). Students: Maria Duperron, Mauro Elencwajg.

  • Hemodynamic Factors not related to the genesis and evolution of proteinuria in progressive renal disease. Investigator: Dr. Elsa Zotta. Pathogenesis Laboratory, Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, UBA. Students: Barbara Helueni, Melanie Naiman.

  • Study of the involvement of anandamide in the regulation of sperm-ovioducto interaction in a bovine model. Investigator: Dr. Silvia Perez Martinez. School of Medicine - UBA. Students: Judith Arenas Tenenbaum, Melissa Braverman.

  • study the molecular mechanisms involved in regulating gene of Saccharomyces cervisiae UGA4 in response to changes in nutrient availability with elucidate the different signaling cascades triggered by these nutrients and to establish their interconnections. Investigator: Dr. Susana Correa García. Biological Chemistry Department, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Buenos Aires. Students: Ivan Mikiej, Victoria Salama.

  • Diagnosis of Von Willebrand disease (VWD) type 2N by phenotypic and genotypic techniques. Dr. Adriana I. Woods. Institute of Hematologic Research "Mariano R. Castex" of the National Academy of Medicine. Student: Abigail Skverer, Daniel Lin.

  • study of myelinogenesis in the peripheral nervous system in physiological and pathological conditions. Pluripotent cell involvement in the process of degeneration, nerve regeneration. Investigator: Dr. Patricia Setton-Avruj. Dept of Biological Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry (IQUIFIB-UBA-CONICET). Students: Averbuj Daniel, Eitan Rozenszajn.

  • Design and development of tumor vaccines using bacteria and tumor cells modified with genes inmunomodiladores. Study of immune mechanisms induced. Researcher: Claudia I. Waldner and Claudia Mongini. Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Immunology. Center for Pharmacological and Botanical Studies (CEFYBO. CONICET-UBA). Pupils Surijón Amalia, Maria Belen Tolava Rivero.

  • cancer-associated genetic markers. Investigator: Dr. Javier Hernán Cotignola. Laboratory of Cancer and Apoptosis, Department of Biological Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences at the University of Buenos Aires. Students: Ayelén Marano, Solange Perchik.

  • Expression channel conductance of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR) in preeclamptic placenta: possible role in regulating activity of the aquoporins-9 (AQP9). Investigator: Dr Alicia E Damiano. Chair of Cell Biology, Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry (UBA). Students: Gabriel Colodenco, Martin Sapir.

  • Proteomics factors secreted by breast cancer cells and normal breast inhibitory lipid production. Investigator: Dr. Liliana Noemi Grignoli War. Department of Biological Sciences. Faculty of Natural Sciences, UBA-CONICET. Students: Fabiana Durante, Tamara Broitman.

  • neovascularization in a murine model of acute inflammation induced by LPS. Investigator: Eulalia de la Torre. Faculty of Medicine - Uba - Laboratory of Immunopharmacology. Student: Federico Mauas Walach, Paul Kuleff.

  • Study of the Growth Associated Protein (GAP-43), their interaction with Ubicutina and its involvement in cell cycle control NIH3T3 cells stably transfected and transient. Effect of Apo-transferrin in remielización: involvement of the Notch pathway in the differentiation oligodendrioglial. Investigator: Dr. Ana M. Adamo. Biological Chemistry Department of Pathology, Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, UBA. CONICET. Student: Rodrigo C. Robby Pampin and Mattes.

What Retail Store Carries Sephra Chocolate Fondue

Thursday 30 October Thursday 23 October

This week we have a quantification of DNA with electrofotométro, a PCR and purification.
continue with the final draft.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

How To Hack A Laptop With A Dongle

In this meeting we developed a PCR and drafted the results for the Final Project.

Diabetes Symptoms In Two-year-olds

Imperfection Perfect Love Artist

LUCIANO- know I think I am, as it were ... "unloved." She is so ... (I cut his friend).

RENATO - other than how to think.

LUCIANO - so I would not but she is just exactly as I thought.

RENATO - Oh, I understand perfectly, when things happen like you thought, is there anything you did not do badly enough.

LUCIANO - I know, but do not know why I did my best to ruin everything.

RENATO - Apparently there was something a few things without realizing it did well.
You must be more careful to avoid making these mistakes, or rather, you have less care, really do not know.

LUCIANO - say that no one is perfect, but she is perfect, and nobody should be perfect, this is the fault of her say that she is a "perfect imperfection."

RENATO - Look on this side, you now have the advantage of being free, when in love only think to blame this horrible crime. And the inevitable attraction of morbidity, not stop thinking about this and you get distracted by all your other goals, if you have them.

LUCIANO - I like to set goals, but not performing. The problem is that now I have to blame for not performing. When this love is one place the best excuses of all kinds.

RENATO- So this is just an excuse and they still love. Right?

LUCIANO - So obviously I am? Because in that case I look for a better to pretend that I'm not.

RENATO - For what purpose?

LUCIANO - To continue loving it, of course.

RENATO - Of course I understand, but if there is a possibility that she loves you, I can think of the ridiculous idea that maybe you should let him know you love her too.

LUCIANO - And what your idea is ridiculous! I hope that there is no mention that possibility. I love to love or be loved, but would hate to happen both at once.

RENATO - I'm sure I'll regret asking this but what I can know why?

LUCIANO - Only once in my life I made the mistake of loving and being loved equally, and discovered that there is nothing as bad as the feeling that one is completely happy. When one feels happy to have it all, so does one feel that it has nothing to do. Not that I have something to do, but at least if you are not completely happy, you have the motivation to find it missing, you have the need to create something new, something artistic and beautiful, to impress the person from whom is in love. But if you find that person in love with you, you no longer need to impress anyone, then comes happiness and happiness limits the imagination and thus artistic creation.

RENATO - I knew that I would regret, I was terribly bored the theme of love, this pretty old fashioned, I'm sure it must have been the first fashion who invented civilization to entertain the middle classes. I also believe that people who talk about love have never experienced it, and those who live never have time to talk about . Yet I agree with you, happy endings so depressed me, are so predictable. I've always preferred the tragedy.

LUCIANO - Living life should be the greatest of tragedies. It is this imperfection that makes life perfect. Like when he's in love with beautiful eyes for which one has never been regarded in the same way. Or when it is committed to someone who loves you intensely, but are unable to close their eyes when you kiss this person. This is to live intensely.

RENATO- But as annoying as it may seem most people yearn for a predictable happy ending which is death. This is the comedy of life. The comfort of many is the hope of knowing that one day will not experience more pain sensations. Instead I would have eternal life and never die. That would be the worst tragedy that a man could have. Living over a thousand years and see how each person you love dies or worse, to see how people die and I loved you flattered. If I had the good fortune to experience something like that, would without doubt the best artist the world has ever known.

LUCIANO- If, as is, you start to bore me with your existential questions.

RENATO- 's because I'm returning to a state of sobriety, and when I'm sober I think clearly it is never good. I need a good liquor, I know a very fine and elegant bar where certain animals know luxury white fur. What do you say we now, perhaps ivory finish pouring liquid before dawn.

LUCIANO- For the particular state in which I feel your invitation I find a complete disrespect of you, so it would be foolish not to accept it. We therefore hope to commit some foolish to cause a scandal. I'm sure she will be furious when he finds out.

Raziel Tovar

October 23, 2008

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Ralph Morley Painting

is different how he loves the artist, does not love the same way that an ordinary person does. The artist is not only limited to just love the beauty of art, but also care about love artistically, either vice or virtue. Because the work of an artist is not only creating art, but it is art itself, live art. So when the artist you love someone, does not love the person himself, but he loves the art that manages to look into it. And art is the beauty comes the next question. Does the artist loves physical beauty or the beauty of the soul? We must clarify that physical beauty enhances the beauty of the soul and the beauty of the soul beautifies the body. It is obvious that each artist can tend to the predilection of some of these of these. But the artist who not only loves art, but loves artistically, is responsible through his virtuous abilities to create a balance between these two forms of beauty and turn them into a single object, a symbol that represents the aesthetic beauty in all its manifestations.


Friday, October 17, 2008

Milena Velba Cigar Images

The tragedy of being in love

X-am in love with a woman.
L - do not know what is more sad, if being in love, or the fact that it is a woman.
I do not see why this has to be sad, I think it's you the one who makes all things is seen as a disgrace.
L-The trouble is that you do not recognize this when you are presented.
X "I have not had the pleasure of meeting.
L "But it you do.
X - "The misfortune, or who I love?
L-No difference. Listen, when you're in love with a woman and not know if it is reciprocated feels anxious and confused, and although he knows that these symptoms desaparcarían face to face with the cause, cringes at the time to act, because at least something sure, you know you have the pleasure of the benefit of the doubt . But if you get an answer final one hand, symptoms may become euphoria and excitement, on the other, there is the possibility of being absolutely nothing. Paradoxically, this last would be the best.
X-doubt completely what I have said.
L-So you've decided to stay with something. That's good to know that I have understood.
I still do not understand what's wrong with falling in love with a woman.
L-Veras my dear friend, the tragedy of us is that we are all equal, all of them being so different. All men They can be conquered by the beauty of the other, but women never know they want exactly . That's why the friendship between men is generally stronger than women. Only one man knows how to bring joy to another man. Women are not happy or they do themselves.
X-misogynist For your peculiar way of seeing things, I infer that you try to tell me that I can be happy only having an affair with a man.
L-Solo is meant as suggestions.
X "Sorry but I can not, my choice of subject is contrary to my sex.
same is my case, unfortunately, probably because of our aging culture, but imagine how it would be if no one had a specific object choice, and that could one day fall in love with a woman and another man.
X-It appears that women will have been disappointed enough.
L "I'm not the one who has fallen in love.
X-You are in love with the man who sleeps in your bed.
L-Yes, but even I dare not confess my love, better to get under you're listening.
X-Vanity has the best ears.
L-As good as those of this love, but for the vain all you hear is praise for the love all the comments are insulting the person you love.

Raziel Tovar
October 17, 2008

Watch One Program Tape Another

Interest Attraction or

Scene. A lady is sitting waiting on the table in a restaurant. A waiter is serving the beverages. A young man is coming and sitting with her.
This dusk. Music plays in the background. There are few people around.

- (The girl child). Because you asked me to come to this place.
"I have something to say.
"And I have something to listen to, so tell me, what do you have to say?
"I always I have things to say but does not normally do, always evades the opportunity and just say that I have many things to say.
"Better save yourself the explanations.
"I try to do so, one day I'll see many more of which until now I have.
"She perfectly what you mean, otherwise it would not be here.
"I had no idea what I will tell you, if I had known, I assure you was as far as possible from here. Unfortunately here I am, and the truth is that I like very much.
- Unfortunately for you or me?
"I think for both.
"I know.
"I also knew you knew.
- Why do not you tell me before?
"If I could explain it, would not be having this conversation.
"Unfortunately we're having, so I demand a response.
"I have no answer, just lots of questions.
"I persuaded your answer, but I need a good argument to convince me because you liked, so please continue.
- Continue? And when I stopped?
"Excuse me, I hear.
"I'm glad you listen.
-From flamenco music, to rock, and pop and other genres.
- What other genres?
-The mostly male, so we keep talking yet.
"Sorry did not want to bother you.
"Do not worry I'm fine sitting here comfortable.
"You know, I know people beautiful, intelligent and some other arts. You're the only beautiful, intelligent and artistic people I know.
- And if he lacked some of those qualities?
- Well, I need to pay close attention to what I'm going to say. There are people that I find interesting because I like, but I like you because you're interesting.
What is the difference between them?
"In the first is anyone who could be beautiful, therefore attracts me, what makes me think it's interesting, but eventually I realized that I let go, then discover how boring it can be that person. In the second case it is someone that is really interesting, someone you can talk of an indefinite variety of subjects, this makes him a beautiful person and that's when I like. This is the argument that I have to convince. Now tell me what you think about all this.
"I still have not told me everything, you lack the most important, ie the most important proposition.
- Who's talking about a proposition?
"I just do me, but are you the one to make it.
"Sorry, these confused, I just wanted you to say I like you because you are interesting, not interest me because I like you.
- Ahem! (cough). Now if I feel uncomfortable.
"Maybe you should change positions.
- And what should I take?
-La that contains more alcohol of course.
"No volume.
"I'll make for you.
"Then feel disappointed, maybe angry.
"I feel successful. (He moves a bit and straighten your back).
"I have to go, I've been waiting but you came too late.
"Excuse me, I can not really remember when it comes, but my parents say it was at noon on April 1.
"If you had come a few months earlier would have been very good.
- Am I wrong?
"You could have done better. (Gets up and leaves.)
- (To waiter). You can pick these drinks and bring me another.
- Are you sure sir? Their drinks are still in the middle.
- If there is no problem, I like leaving things half and start over, I like to feel when something is about to end.

Raziel Tovar

October 17, 2008

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Jc Penney Salon Products

Thursday, October 16 Thursday, 2 October

At this meeting we mutations on the results of DNA sequencing. He later finished writing "Materials and Methods" and draft conclusions.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Balance Laptop 557s Driver

In this meeting a second PCR, a second purification and finally sequenced. We continue with the writing of "Materials and methods."