The following glossary of technical terms has been extracted from the Doctoral Thesis by :
Barcelona 2006.
Glossary of technical terms used:
ALGORITHM. finite sequence of operations, not ambiguous, the implementation provides a solution to a problem. Or so it is easier to say, commands to do something. Used in new design processes for the systematic computer graphics operations.
VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENT. artificial environment that exists only under conditions of virtuality, ie, there is indeed not in fact material. Used especially when it consists of a three-dimensional digital representation with an inside view on the move. In the case of this thesis concerns addressed by particular reference to those architectural environments.
D. Condition or device whereby the data are represented by magnitudes, continuous variables, medial and physical such as length, width, voltage or pressure. To a large extent, nature operates under a similar behavior. The opposite of digital.
ANIMATION. Motion effect is obtained through a sequence of "boxes" with little movement, exposed to a synchronized speed, so they drive to a inanimate object or scene from one situation to another, creating the illusion of dynamism. Traditional animation is preprogrammed and, due to complexity and time required for processing, not is presented in real time. With the advent of increasingly fast computers can be achieved at the time animations made with a high degree of interaction.
advanced architecture. For the purposes of this thesis the term used to identify which architecture produced with the support of digital information resources can achieve progressive architectural objects of formal complexity and functional, impossible to achieve by conventional means, support the design process through representations digital graphics and interactive dynamic nature designed to facilitate the visualization and integrated and continuous coordination of the project and the work to be produced. DIGITAL ARCHITECTURE
. That concerns the whole representation of architectural elements has been modeled with the support of CAD and CAAD and
3D modelers, operated through the use of computers. VIRTUAL ARCHITECTURE
. Digital Architecture subset of specific concerns that architectural representation that has no equivalent physical counterpart. Generally used to represent projects that never come to be constructed or works which disappeared in time. The most ambitious role of virtual architecture and probably where current trends seem to lead-is one that leads to create three-dimensional models in having the ability to provide utility service in the same medium, such as have begun to do so and virtual museums. At their best they are located so-called "virtual communities" of the future where users can share through the exchange of communications products and articulated by the rules of a virtual economy.
hybrid architecture. Named to the one that is based on a combination of physical (or material) and the virtual. For example, an elementary school physical hosts a virtual museum.
asynchronous / synchronous. The two behaviors of actions in relation to their simultaneity in time, especially applied in remote collaboration via the Internet. In the asynchronous behavior (such as email) to read and document analysis is conducted in delayed time relative to the person who sent it. This activity also involves meditation and making judgments or ideas. In the synchronous behavior, contact or communication work between two or more persons acting at a distance is, for practical purposes, almost instantaneous. Such is the case of so-called chat, and videoconferencing. In certain situations, such as forums, may adopt, for convenience, either of two ways.
AVATAR. When a computer user takes a specific personality in cyberspace to meet new experiences and contact other people and situations, thus becoming a participant, it is often advisable to adopt a simplified three-dimensional graphical representation which, without being able to represent identities (for memory the immense sacrifice that this still implies) will represent it as it moves into the virtual realm. This digital counterpart is called avatar. A considerable number of people, especially in the business of games and digital entertainment, reaching even to take shape avatars fantastic not anthropomorphic. There's a whole psychological justification for these behaviors.
BIM (Building Information Modelling). Paradigm refers to the latest computer support to the architectural design process, promoting the integration of the digital model with the plans, specifications, costs and even relationships with suppliers, manufacturers and execution of the work. CAAD programs supported by extending representation and communication capabilities, with data bases and digital graphics.
bitmap-based two-dimensional graphic image pixels, this is a pattern of dots with graphics settings. It differs from the vector representation is the description of discrete and ease of modification, however no geometric precision.
BLOG, WEBLOG or blog. The "spearhead" of new forms of digital communication is represented by the so-called blogs or weblogs as Castilian translation is more associative blogs. It is long "fringes" of written and graphic, often initiated and sustained by one person or "owner", which have many applications: training, meditation, travel records, ideas, etc. Usually invited to participate with comments and exchange of ideas and knowledge to other people visiting the site, which is easily accessible via a similar mechanism the conventional web sites.
CAD, CAAD. Acronyms taken to shorten the terms Computer-Aided Design (design or computer aided design) and Computer-Aided Architectural Design (design or computer aided architectural design)
CYBERSPACE. Virtual space is generated in the electronic medium formed by the confluence of communication that are generated among the millions of users accessing the Internet field and qualified as a "consensual hallucination" by writer William Gibson who directed that first defined in his legendary book Neuromancer (1984).
CIBERVISITANTE. Any person who cruise the area three-dimensional cyberspace in order to meet visual, acoustic or tactile people, objects or groups of both exploration purposes, display and use of new potential.
BEHAVIOR. We refer here to the highest level of autonomous activity and may show reaction artificial objects or situations, or practical purposes in the field of cyberspace. Behaviors classified as simple reaction to touch or approach sensors, power on / off an artificial light source, or activate a sliding door mechanism at a certain distance when approaching it.
VIRTUAL COMMUNITIES. Case particular virtual world, where groups of cibervisitantes, order some more than 200,000 members, come together to share resources usually associated with recreation and leisure. In practice, these communities appear to experience an evolution that the company has "incomplete" social, cultural and productively in groups, even in some cases, show the beginnings of a rough economy is still supported in handicraft production and barter goods . It must be remembered that even when virtual communities are born, and still nurture the area vigorously-themed games, a few examples already show evidence of unexpected developments. Such is the case of Norrath, Second Life and Sims, to name a few.
Datascapes. Digital tool for data mining and subsequent modeling that achieves a high degree of visualization in the modeling of multivariate systems and deploy, efficiently, resulting predictive model. This in turn leads to greater insight and understanding of the potential of data handled that allows such data to work properly.
DEMATERIALISATION. Respect to that condition that involves progressive loss by an object, situation or institution to respond to a material nature, because the delegation of duties in the world digital, which in turn affects the formal aspects involved. Among the most notable architectural dematerialization are e-mail, banking institutions, museums and buildings supported by processes "smart" among others.
DIAGRAM. Schema, or box or three-dimensional graphics designed to demonstrate or explain how something works or to clarify the relationship between the parts of a whole. In the case of digital charts is possible to incorporate the energy, timing and interaction as resources to enrich the explanatory power of diagrams produced. DIGITAL
. Inherent in the data it operates an electronic computer, consisting of a finite number of basic symbols discrete flows represented and transmitted through electronic or electromagnetic signals. The opposite of analog.
AUTOMATION. It is the discipline that studies the addition of degrees of "intelligence" in buildings caused by the transfer of responsibilities and functional tasks of the physical world to the digital world through equipment and software applications interconnected via electronic networks inside and outside buildings designed in accordance with such powers. Among the buildings representative functions absorbed by "smart" You can find distance communications, access control and security of visitors, regulation and coordination of air conditioning systems, heating, lighting, protection against disasters and vandalism, to name a few.
SCAN (SCAN). Process by which, using appropriate peripherals (scanner) is transferred text and / or graphics printed on a computer's memory for future use in applications inherent to digital media.
photomontage. Concerns mapping techniques valued in art and architecture through the use of digital media. In the case of photomontage, digital technology support, for example, static or dynamic insertion of architectural volumetric representations in the physical environment in which they proceed to implement future, being represented by one means or photographic images.
FRACTAL. Geometric pattern repeated at progressively smaller scales, where each repetition is about a reproduction of the whole picture, to produce irregular shapes and surfaces that can not be represented by classical geometry. Fractals are generally self-similar (each section looks at all) and not be subject to a specific scale. They are used especially in modeling Digital irregular patterns and structures in nature. Defined in 1975 by the mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot. GLOBALIZATION
. In a literal sense means social change, increasing connectivity between companies and their components, due to the explosive evolution of transport technology and communication aimed at facilitating international cultural and economic exchange. The term globalization is applied in various contexts, social, cultural, commercial and economic and, as such, responds to as many specific interpretations from the "global village" Marshall McLuhan to the negative effects of multinational corporations oriented to self-benefit. Another way of interpretation emphasizes the erosion of nation states and their borders. Thomas Friedman, in an article published in the New York Times on March 4, 2004 identifies three stages of development to globalization:
a) Between the late nineteenth century and the end of World War II. Caused by the decline in the price of transport.
b) Between the 1980 and 2000. Caused by the decrease in the cost of telecommunications and the emergence of the personal computer.
c) The current phase promoted by: the widespread use of fiber optic inter-oceanic level, the ever growing increase of bandwidth due to different technologies; and the proliferation of personal computers worldwide. DIGITAL GRAPHICS
. It concerns those visuals that have been produced with the support of software-hardware combination digital, as is the case of CAD, CAAD and 3D modelers.
interactive graphics. One subset of digital graphics, which can direct an interactive man-machine communication supported in the use of touch sensors, proximity and carry, for example through language specification VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language).
IDEOGRAM. Simple sign or symbol used as a component of a system of writing or symbols such that has a meaning about one thing or idea that goes beyond a letter or word within a range of possibilities covering aspects as diverse as the symbol commonly used to indicate "no smoking" or the characters used in Chinese writing.
COMPUTER GRAPHICS. Branch of computer science that concerns the creation of images that try to mimic the three-dimensional world by calculating the behavior of light, volume, the atmosphere, shadows, textures, camera, motion, etc..
DIP. One of the most stunning effects in human perception mechanisms assisted by peripheral devices specialized. In this way, using a "shell" provided inside with two small computer screens coordinated through an application program, the human being is physically transported into a virtual world that exists only in your imagination. In the case of architecture is possible to enter and navigate in a building with stunning realism and still experience multi-sensory and interactive experiences that allow you to hear sounds, lifting, including feeling the sensation of physical effort involved in the process, "to open or close doors , on / off lights, watching other players and socialize with them, including
things. Unfortunately, we still expect the time of the popularization of this important effect restricted for reasons of cost and collective participation in educational activities and through the Internet.
INTERACTION. Property by which a computer system will respond directly to commands and data entered by the user engaging in this way a kind of "dialogue" productive. Most application programs collectively have at least a limited degree of interaction that is located somewhere on a spectrum ranging from low to high interaction interaction. Among the applications that make better use of the high interaction are those falling under the so-called virtual reality, supported by highly sophisticated sensors and effects. GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE
(GUI). From the point of view, an interface may be conceived as a border across which two independent systems can communicate. There are various types of computer interfaces, we refer here to the so-called graphical user interface (GUI), which uses the graphics capabilities of a computer to facilitate use of the graphical program used specifically by the user, freeing the difficulties this inherent knowledge and detailed management of complex instructions. For many users the availability of commands that help manage the interface is a useful resource, for which previously must have been familiar with the functions of each command through the command language study. The use of commands handled by the user intensifies the degree of interaction available, additionally allowing the transfer of information on the surface of the working window. The gradual arrival of the GUI to the user's world has been accomplished in light of advances in the capabilities of microprocessor technology, the existing main obstacle because of the high memory requirements and processing power and representation required by them.
physical models. The main changes have been introduced in recent decades with regard to physical models concerning the feasibility of incorporating these models to prune the virtual environment by machines called scanners 3D (3D scanners) allow to interpret the three-dimensional shape and colors in digital form , getting the virtual reconstruction of the model.
And, conversely, a model built in the digital environment can be reconstructed (or even remotely) in the physical environment using techniques of CAM (Computer-Aided Manufacture). Even if it is a very expensive method of operation for the average architect, design can be as large offices feeding back information and 3D models back and forth from the physical to virtual to gradually reach the desired final model. An example is the study of Frank Gehry, with stereolithography models.
MEDIA LAB. Multi-thematic legendary experimental laboratory created at MIT
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology) by the architect Nicholas Negroponte in the 1980's on a great freedom of operation guidance and supported by digital technology frontier, with emphasis on software development and the study and use of special peripherals. The Media Lab, with its innovative products, their discoveries and creative ability and team work that forms, has been flagged to show the world the importance of the emergence of practical applications that can reach lead-free research. 3D DIGITAL MODEL
(or computer). 3D rendering of scenes and / or objects based on the use of 3D modelers, digital models, unlike physicists, can be visited by ciberusuarios moving around or inside them in real time. Also unlike the models (models) physical, once constructed are not subject to a scale except for convenience. This is because the ciberusuario, in turn, can escalate (which can not do in the physical universe to which it belongs). For this reason, a virtual digital model building can operate as either a model of the building as well as the same virtual building itself.
MULTIMEDIA, MULTIMEDIA. Multimedia means the area that concerns the use of computers to represent text, graphics, video, animation and sound in an integrated way. Long hailed as a revolution in the world of computing, multimedia-based applications started to become popular only since the second half of the 1990's because of the very high cost of equipment for that purpose. However, thanks to increased performance and decreasing prices, today's multimedia is already commonplace. And almost all PCs are capable of displaying video even when the resolution available depends on the power of the computer's video adapter and CPU. The term multimedia, among English speakers, has been replacing other versions less happy and full of ambiguous meanings among which multidrug and multimedia.
multisensory. Ability graphical user interface (GUI) to allow the user to interact digitally with a scene or object based on other senses besides the view, comprising so far the sound and touch and actively experimenting to incorporate also, within the foreseeable future, the sense of smell. VIRTUAL WORLDS
. So named because the original freehold their designer has about the features, characters and situations that integrate digital models designed and constructed. In architecture this means, among other things, the definition of contexts and environments exist, climatic and environmental conditions and levels of observance of space-time behavior and the law of gravity, among others.
MUTATION. Process which occurs due to a sudden structural change in an object, which results in the creation of a new character or trait that did not exist in the object original.
NO-PLACE. A number of scholars and critics of the architectural use of cyberspace as an argument wield the absence of natural environments in which to insert the virtual architectural works and the denial of the concept of place is one of the most treasured features within current conceptions of architecture. In this reason is associated with virtual architecture with the concept of non-place assigned by Levy to those physical buildings by the transience of its occupation by visitors and to facilitate rapid adaptation of passengers at airports anywhere in the world have minimized the Interior Design Association with characteristics of the surrounding environment. Despite the pros and cons, the issue remains highly topical.
NTIC. Acronyms taken to the term New Information Technologies and Communication, which concerns essentially the area of \u200b\u200binformation technology applied to digital distance education.
NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines). Concerning standardized software tools for the representation and geometric design (curves, surfaces and solids) high degree of mathematical complexity, from Platonic solids and cones to car bodies. Almost all the tools of CAD / CAM support NURBS.
. Term to replace, in Spain and France, the anglicized "computer."
PATTERN. Set of partial results that show systematically behavioral traits associated with a particular situation, entity or object.
perception, sensation. Sensory components of the process by which human beings initially perceived images of the outside world and sends them to the central nervous system of your body, which returns messages that are translated into feelings, which cause reactions in humans. Following this process, the computer, supported by appropriate software, generated by their sequences display virtual images of scenes and digital objects that stimulate the viewer's attention and lead you to convey what is perceived in the mainstream of his body, which generates, in return, feelings and reactions that help build the illusion of reality in the mind the observer. This same principle applies logically to the movies and television, with the difference that they do not have interactive capability, although in this case the viewer may be aware from the start that he witnessed there even when your mind comes under the so-called deferred prosecution. " PIXEL
. Minimum division can be achieved in two-dimensional digital graphics world. A pixel equals one point of light on the surface of a monitor (or a printed paper) and ranges from the value "one" meaning and the point on "zero" which means off point. SPACE FOLD
. We speak of pleats, folds and possible deployments and dynamic trajectories. -Scalar paths between structures and organizations, devices and cities, sites and projects relating to evolutionary geometries (rhizomatic formations, edgings and lugs, arracinamientos, frames and kinks, fluctuations, setbacks and dodging). Open geometries (of order, often significantly fractal) in which to respond globally and fragment parameters open self-similarity between decision-or logic-diagrammatic and evolutionary development aimed at generating complex configurations from basic initial codes.
Rapid Prototyping (Rapid Prototyping) implementation of solid models from digital representations using automated manufacturing techniques, such as cutting, milling or thermal printing, which can obtain copies of the designs worked fast computer.
REAL, MATERIAL, VIRTUAL, IMAGINARY. It is important to clarify the differences between these four concepts: What is real is akin to the material (or physical) because it describes anything that exists, but not necessarily observable is not necessarily tangible, aspects that characterize the material itself. For example, a phone call is real (as it has existence) but it is not material (because it is observable or tangible). For its part, the physical is analogous to the material and the tangible and the three terms may be used indiscriminately. Moreover, the virtual is a condition of something that has an apparent but not real existence, which is potentially, but not in reality. For example, the content of a film or a computer animation. The virtual architecture is the result of the illusion of something material, solid, physical, but in reality it is an illusion generated through a combination of hardware / software that can trick
senses of sight, hearing and touch making misleading perceived reactions in humans that lead to confuse the virtual with the real. Finally, the imaginary is something that only exists in the mind (and not from illusions created by external stimuli and artificial as virtual), even when you can produce in humans extremely vivid feelings and memories, as is the case of dreams. VIRTUAL REALITY
. Artificial environment created by hardware and software resources presented to the user computer in a way that looks and feels like a natural. To "enter" in a virtual reality environment a user must use special gloves, earphones and goggles (or helmet with two small screen embedded computer) all of whom receive their stimuli from the system's operating system. Thus, at least three (sight, hearing, touch) of the five senses are controlled by computer. In addition to providing sensory stimulation to the user, the devices also monitor user actions (eg eye movement) and new signals fed back in response. The excessive cost immersive systems and their inability to be widely used as a teaching resource, have led to the emergence of options
sacrifice immersion as described above, to reduce costs and make use of the Internet benefits of interaction and multisensoriality using what has been called non-immersive virtual reality. Today this popular choice to lead the way towards a future full version of virtual reality.
NETWORKS. A system of computers interconnected by telephone / satellite for the purpose of communicating and sharing information.
RE-INFORMATION. Back to form something using information as basic raw material. In a city that can not (or should) grow physically to the outside, you have to get, as happens with computer chips "Do more things in the same space", so that its economy forward. This requires analyzing multiple parameters with the information that the city issues and plan ways to increase its complexity without increasing the "quantity" of chaos. The proposed urban information re-invest effort in knowing precisely and in real time, as social, environmental, physical, functional, economic and cultural city in order to influence it. The urban area to be re-report should be analyzed in order both to influence the existing buildings and condition the new plant, as to encourage the construction of a new public space. Re-information buildings.
SIMULATION. Representation of the operation or aspects of a process or system using other, which sought, through imitation, exploiting the representation of a potential situation of a physical or experimental nature.
spatial sound. The digital audio space, unlike the digital sound source and origin undefined, is from an unidentified source within a triidmensional environment, which can be moved or adjusted, through the illusion of zooming, the displacement of regulating cibervisitantes intensity automatically to the specific dynamic situation confronted.
REAL TIME. Concerning physical events simulated by the computer about the same speed at which they occur in real life. In graphics animation, for example, a real-time program would display objects moving across the surface of the computer screen with similar speed with which they would move in the physical world.
TOPOLOGY. Popularly defined as "the science of rubber figures, the topology has properties of particular interest to digital experimentation in architecture, as concerning those features of bodies that are not lost due to continuous deformation thereof. Ie, ignores dimensional geometric properties in the manner set types can be differentiated only by the introduction of atypical phenomena such as holes.
TRANSPARENCY. Current trends identified in both buildings to the representation of the projects that they lead, even speculative home that seems to seek to establish a bridge of rapprochement between the virtual and the physical.
VIRTUALITY. "Condition of creation, or driving simulation using a computer or computer network." Another detached sense of commitment to technology says: "Existing in essence or effect, though not currently done. " VECTOR
graphical representation based on geometric descriptions, which have absolute measurements based on a Cartesian system and therefore can be reproduced at different scales and define shapes operable. Is the fundamental representation of CAD and 3D modelers.
VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) A set of specifications grouped as a language whose use leads to the production of a number of interactive effects that facilitate the navigation, manipulation and visualization of virtual worlds across the Internet, and the objects and scenes they contain what has been named "non-immersive virtual reality" because, at the expense of sacrificing the dive, you get to change the potential of creating interactive and multisensory worlds without relying on helmets, gloves, platforms and other peripheral equipment of relatively high cost. Other benefits of VRML is its technology platform independence, easy export of results via email and feasibility of group visits and even work remotely in real-time modeling of virtual objects among which those of architectural nature . All at zero cost, including the displays by which we explore the models produced. Importantly finally actively join in modeling tools like 3D Studio.