Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Sleepers Piercing Earrings

... Hypnotic Music
For Raziel Tovar

About me:

Published in the Journal No.10 suigeneris

no doubt that all music fans, we have been enthralled once for any particular song to listen carefully to the melody and the musical sound of each instrument. And at times without realizing it, evoke images that we associate with each sound or a mixture of them all, depending on the speed and pace of this change. Up to a point where we feel like if we were under the influence of a hypnotic suggestion.

And just not feeling well if the induction of hypnosis is to make the focus of attention to internal or external stimulus to produce a special state of consciousness. [1] And we can not deny that music has this extraordinary quality to achieve, if not always a hypnotic induction, if it succeeds in many of us a strong suggestion similar to what can be achieved while in a hypnotic trance.

know for example, important influence on the soldiers provoked the war with their music trumpets and thunderous blows of the beating of drums. Not for nothing the fourth stanza of our glorious anthem Mexican states:

Patria! Patria! Your children swear
Exhale your breath in your cause,
If the bugle in its belligerent tone
should call to fight with courage.

O for example is the newborn child who have hours crying and the mother who has tried everything to sleep, suddenly begins to coo to the tune of a lullaby and as if by magic does your child sleep finally. And although we may have no evidence to prove, it seems that the mother managed by the music his newborn son, for whom the world is all chaos, full of incomprehensible stimuli that do not make sense or if-found relationship between a stimuli that may reassure and to provide perhaps a sense of order out of chaos. There is a relationship between the mathematical order and music, as expressed Arthur Schopenhauer " The architecture is frozen music."

These are just some examples of the hundreds or thousands may exist of how music sometimes seems to lead to a special state of consciousness or altered, even though this is not the intention of the composer. On the other hand there is the music therapy, which if often used with the intention of achieving relaxation and / or facilitate a hypnotic induction.

There is a website where you can freely download music therapy recordings of all kinds which I highly recommend for anyone interested in using this type of hypnotic tool.

The site is this:

And finally I leave you the lyrics of a song that was recorded here in the city of Monterrey and precisely is entitled "Hypnosis ." This song is both musically and lyrically composed by Chet, a musician from Monterrey who was a member of the bands Zurdok and Vaquero, and now continues his career solo musical. This year she released her latest album also entitled "Hypnosis ." This album contains 10 tracks with a very interesting musical proposal as is the case of " Science is not exact " or "Wake " which tells of a reflection and social criticism. I am delighted that we have good quality rock mexicano.

Artist: Chetes
Album: Hypnosis
Year: 2010


start to feel weak body
you'd never seen as fragile

Try to think that there is no one here
'll take you as far you want to go

Listen to the silence
And for a moment
let you take
I see in you

Trying resistance is futile
Close your eyes and trust me

I see things through you
In this way I know you can not lie

Listen silence
And for a moment
let you take
I see in you

hypnosis, hypnosis, hypnosis
hypnosis, hypnosis, hypnosis

I can see inside you

[1] Téllez A. (2003). Hypnosis Ericksonian Approach . Monterrey, Mexico: Ediciones UANL School of Psychology

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Sample Quiet Title Notice Florida

Upcoming performances / presentations and performances

- October 2 / Under Round of Peace Project / "Dance nubica landscape unit" / An experience that expands consciousness by fabrics and mirrors. Gender: Meeting participatory / Coordinator: Mireya Baglietto / Lemu Martinez / Alejandro Masseilot / Time: 18 to 20:30 / Number of participants: 25 people / Note: Since it is a private space pre-registration is requested: artenubico @
+ info: -

- 9 and October 16 / Cycle afternoon and evening of butoh / Centro Cultural Borges / Hall Norah Borges / Saturday 9 and 16 October, 20.30 pm. Butoh dance performance: fraguaazul
+ info:

- 13 and October 14 / "Week of Native voices in Bicentennial " -" Europe has found in America in 1492 and was America ... diverse, rich and wise. "/ workshop performance of" masks messenger "for children, based on the cultural heritage of indigenous peoples. / " Voice of the mud and wind ", improvisation in dance with participatory performance / Olavarria, Buenos Aires Province.

- 20 to 24 October / 3rd. International Biennial of Performance Deformes 2010 / Valparaiso, Chile. Performance: 02 Male Splinters
+ info:

Friday, July 30, 2010

How To Cut Hairs Of Penis In Designs


Raziel Tovar

Why bother to invest money on advertising in asserting that Mexicans are people values \u200b\u200bsuch as honesty, responsibility, and others? Precisely because we lack them, otherwise what would be the sense of this. It should not be so easily fooled. It is said that every people has the government it deserves, "the people of Mexico will be a reflection of its government or the government reflects its people? Whatever the answer, we must create a town better structured and more organized to have a real government that fights for the common good.

are many rights that are violated in Mexico today, although we are already few months to celebrate 200 years of independence. Corruption exists in any social, political, ecclesiastical, or cultural, whether you're rich or poor. Corruption in Mexico is no longer just an act, but that it is a culture, and even a kind of ideology. Not for nothing is as popular as phrases "that no tranza no-go , among others.

We also know that as there are corrupt people, there are honest people, and so there are in any social stratum regardless of socioeconomic level, in politics or any other organizations. Although it seems that every time there fewer people of good character, either through fear or because every time the culture of corruption is more and more supporters, largely because of the difficult living conditions in the country.

Now But planteémonos the following: Why over 200 years of independence, has grown increasingly more of a culture of corruption, not ideology, values \u200b\u200band virtues. Let us make a brief analysis of a cold and stark.

Take for example organized crime. As the name implies, organized crime, (forgive the redundancy) is organized, ie, functions as a network with different functions, hierarchies etc., as does an institution. We no longer talk of old criminals who stole the fly and without a structured planning. We talk about criminals who are leaders in their groups, who know how masses, widely known social context of the country for both know the economy, politics, know how to handle different social spheres and meet key leaders of different sectors, but particularly knowledge of laws and legal aspects.

Yes, it sounds ironic, known organized crime laws, because there are two ways of violating a law. One is violating it explicitly, ie, ignoring or just the opposite of what the law dictates, so manifest, for example, murder or robbery. And the other is knowing the law, as any law that is created by human beings, will at some point your Achilles heel. All laws to be made up of words has its holes, it is with these holes in the laws with which lawyers can defend his client, is at fault or not.

now ask: Does there is any organization, organized crime, you have true leaders who can lead the masses, who works as a network that develops in all social, political, ecclesiastical, economic and have a true, deep and broad knowledge of the social context of the country but that instead of using this knowledge to do the crime, a practical use for society?

In theory, yes, this organization should be the government, which is what is supposed to care about the common good of the people, unfortunately this does not parce be. But while there are many institutions or organizations that do not concern policy, whose main objective is good, and are made up of leaders and honest people and values.

However, many times, the problem of law-abiding people, whose values \u200b\u200bequality, respect and honesty, tend to be very condescending. And I mean condescending not used to take stronger measures and effective.

When we notice that our rights are violated, or are victims of corruption and crime is not enough to raise his voice to assert our rights. If our rights are not respected, then they rise up in arms, but not with guns but with the weapons of honest people, who are the rest of our rights and our capabilities as highly competent citizens.

is necessary that the people who care for the common good of society's organize strategically to show us what a citizen or civil partnership, is capable of doing, knowing the holes in the laws, not to allow violating our rights through those holes. And all without the need to break the framework of the law. Precisely within the law, but knowing it will be our most powerful weapon, against the ignorant who do not know the rights of freemen, or the corrupt who knows but prefers to corrupt in his favor.

The corrupt are often intelligent, and is also empathetic because their power is based mainly on what we call roughly "levers" , so people must be even more honest smarter and more empathic than them. Not enough to be optimistic about the situations of adversity. Not enough to give you a pat on the back of our brother in difficult situations. One thing to be a motivator and say simple words of encouragement as vague "Everything will be okay" or "do not worry, you did not do anything wrong," and another thing to act. Let therefore corrupt corruption.

vague words are useless if not put into practice, you have to do is to create tools for progress, organize, develop leaders, defend corruption by new methods, since to date no one has been created that is truly effective. We must be more organized than organized crime and beating the corrupt!

Monterrey, NL, July 30, 2010

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Bionicle Building Instructions Vezon


By: Raziel Tovar

"Being independent is one thing small minority, is the privilege of the strong "

" Where is possible to speak of freedom the state as such ceases to exist "

This September 16, our beloved country, Mexico, will celebrate its bicentennial year of independence. But to celebrate big as it should be, we must ask ourselves what we are going to celebrate. That's so important to so-called "independence" we are taught from primary and that our government has taken the "nuisance" to spend millions in advertising and lots of preparations for the celebrations, to sell, sorry, remind us that this year will celebrate the awaited bicentennial. Let us therefore some of the many things to celebrate.

celebrate that we are a country with education, who knows his history, I am sure that any known Mexican military campaigns won by Morelos, along with Mariano Matamoros, Nicolás Bravo, Vicente Guerrero, Galena and other characters who helped consummate the independence of Mexico. But to discuss it if we all know what these heroes did for us. Best talk of other things that we can not ignore.

celebrate that we are an economically independent country ... well, we depend almost entirely on the U.S. economy, plus we have a huge debt to pay off, and carry it off for several years in economic crisis but that's just an unimportant detail.

There are more things to celebrate, such as we are a free country, where more than a century, slavery was abolished, and now we can be citizens with the assurance that We respect our freedom, for the small exception that occasionally, there is one other murder, dozens of murders by drug trafficking and organized crime in states like Nuevo Leon, Coahuila, Tamaulipas, Matamoros, Mexico and a few another state. It does not happen or that we kidnapped some of our children found a grenade in our backyard and fragmented they explode, but of course, no one takes away our freedom! The good news is that crime is organized, not disorganized , bone these two hundred years we have been progressing, we are more organized now!, Which finally ended, our honorable criminals are also proudly Mexican.

but not all, there's more to celebrate!, Celebrate that we are a country where everyone has a voice and equal vote, is a country with democracy, so any Mexican can proudly say that never, in any election in our country has been suspected of any fraud election. Because democracy is everyone!

celebrate that we are an entrepreneurial and growing country, so the president Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna Santana sold half of Mexico's territory to the United States to earn a few dollars as a good entrepreneur.

But that's not important, because we are a country of culture, traditions originating in our land, so here in Monterey and some other cities we like to celebrate the 31 October with masks, costumes and sweets, and of course, prefer a thousand times to buy a Mexican product that one American, a movie a gringo Mexican, or eat some good tacos before going to a McDonald's. We are so proud of our independence and culture, which extol above all, first to Mexico rather than abroad.

We are an independent country, only that for some strange reason there are thousands and thousands of illegal Mexican immigrants abroad, plus they say who migrate to seek a better life. But why seek a better life abroad, what maybe 200 years of independence has not given us a better quality of life?

Or might it be that we are confusing the concept of independence? Perhaps independence are the 53mil million dollars, Forbes magazine has Carlos Slim, who owns Telmex, Sanborn and other companies and currently ranks as the world's richest person, or 6mil million Ricardo Salinas Pliego, owner of TV Azteca and Grupo Elektra, or more than one billion dollars of Emiliano Azcarraga Jean, owner of Grupo Televisa, and the millions of the roughly 30 families from Mexico who have most the country's wealth. Rest assured that these people and their millions help us become an independent Mexico, and thanks to our "democracy" our vote counts just as anyone of them, should not doubt for a second that this is not so!

Long live our 200 years of independence. Long live our independent Mexico, honest and not corrupt, hardworking and responsible before apathetic. And if at some point we Quintan our beloved independence, at least we have the tequila and Sunday roast to not think about it.


Monterrey, NL July 29, 2010

Friday, June 25, 2010

Wording Congratulations On Engagement

Column symbolic of Wisdom

Raziel TOVAR

"The wise do not feel to complain, instead he happily the task of repairing the damage done "
William Shakespeare

" The ignorant says, the wise question and think "

n spend my last essay I discuss the symbolic spine of beauty, this time to continue the previous work I'll share some reflections on the symbolic spine of Wisdom.

Before entering the subject, I must admit that at my young age of just 21, is perhaps not the best person to speak on an issue as momentous as it is wisdom, which is acquired largely by the experience and learning of errors over time.

But precisely because the errors are a means to achieve wisdom, I dare talk about it, so that if my concept of wisdom, expressed in the text were to be wrong, be so Ambler HH :. to correct me and enlighten the way they deem most appropriate.

However, since entering the topic, I begin by making a remark. Although in common parlance, the words and know know are usually used as synonyms, I think there is a substantial difference between these two.

know The word refers to the action of having knowledge of something, for example, knowledge of mathematical formulas, names of people important information, etc. While the word refers know to find the best way how to deal with this or that knowledge. Then there is the same " know I feel sad" that " know I will feel sad ." While the first one I know because I feel, in the second I'm sorry but I know what to do with it.

We can now understand more easily than wisdom, seen as a knowledge, not just a set of knowledge, but the mastery of such knowledge, finding the best ways to make use of, and even, if necessary, do not use them.

" conceived wisdom that be built", says Oswald Wirth, the Ideal of initiation, and tells us that " orders the chaos of confused projects " . The truly free man, can easily realize, that is of greatest benefit to mankind that a person acted wisely with little knowledge, for someone who has vast knowledge of all kinds of science, but is unable to use them for a positive purpose.

The wisdom I think, is a compromise between the objectivity of science and spirituality and religious faith of the intangibles. Wisdom is harmony, and harmony is beauty, and this in turn is art. So I believe art is also one of the means by which wisdom is reached, and at the same time, wisdom is a means to create art.

The artist, unlike the average person not only knows how he feels, but creating something from of feeling, is capable of creating art. And not just the artist takes pleasure in creating his work, but also, having represented his emotion and thought, now hundreds of thousands of spectators can enjoy the aesthetic pleasure produced by this work of art.

Thing had happened contrary to an ordinary person, if you can recognize their feelings or emotions, this knowledge only goes so far, that the best will do nothing wrong with it, but nothing good .

Art is a knowing, because, although sometimes the art requires technical and theoretical knowledge, without knowledge, never be able to achieve a harmony between technique and emotion, between science and spirituality.

We can not deny, as I have mentioned some of our Brethren. in tten:. past, that in art there is always something of science, let's say a beauty arithmetic, an exact harmony, while not excluding in any way the foregoing, there is something in art that is inexplicable, far from what touches our soul scientist and captures our spirit. In this sense we can say that every artist has a certain wisdom consciously or unconsciously.

In conclusion, the wisdom which is one of three symbolic pillars on which Freemasonry stands, is of paramount importance for the Mason, to achieve the beauty and harmony among the elements necessary in constructing the building of life. Wisdom is not easily obtained, but try to understand and reflect on it at least brings us one step closer.

A. . . L. . . G. . . D. . . G. . . A. . . D. . . U. . .

June 25, 2010

Friday, June 4, 2010

What Can I Use Instead Of Chicken Stock

symbolic column Beauty

e know that the three symbolic pillars on which the Masons say they are Strength, Wisdom and Beauty. In this essay me talk more specifically devoted of beauty.

Oswald Wirth mentions that "subject to the wisdom, power and gets meekly obey while pleasing the Beauty, who is in love." If this is true in such a way that you do, be met under the rules of art and honor alike to the worker and the Architect.

is thanks to the beauty by which we will make our job, our thinking and our life will reach the level of art. But first let's define beauty is.
This is defined by the dictionary of the English Royal Academy as the "property of the things you do love them, instilling in us spiritual delight. This property exists in nature and in the literary and artistic works. "

This definition is not far from the Masonic conception of beauty, because for the Masons is the virtue of beauty, is the inspiring feeling, which harmonizes and therefore a manifestation of love.

We then realize that beauty is not just a physical attribute, but also spiritual. On one side of the Force gives us the energy to create, and secondly the wisdom conceived the most appropriate for the form. But without the beauty of our work but well, it would be cold, and devoid of feeling, we do not inspire love and harmony.

If there is not harmony, that is, without a perfect balance, all work we do, you probably can not transcend or achieved a significant improvement for us or for society.

is why my QQ:. HH:. I intend to emphasize beauty. As free men we long and illustrious progress, we often forget the art and beauty, and sometimes we base our life and work only in cold and calculated reasoning, influenced perhaps orthodox positivist science that we might be taught in our university.

Science intends to investigate all observing, measuring and quantifying. But the beauty but sometimes observable, can not be measured. The beauty comes from the spirit, soul, and although beauty may be studying towards aesthetics, never give us an equation or scientific formula to get there.

not pretend at all HH:. mine devalue science but rather, see it with a new perspective, which involved not only rationality but also the beauty and harmony.

The Great Art of living is achieved through the creative force that we free men, with wisdom and intelligence, but essentially the Beauty that will take care that there is harmony between these elements.

May we be artists of our lives and live life as art, and inspired everyone who is at any time viewer of our work, feelings of love and delight moral and spiritual.

Monterrey, NL, June 4, 2010

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Kitchen Protective Seat Covers




Raziel TOVAR

"Making art is to take possession of a life they do not get to live "
Annette Messager
" It is the spectator, and not life, art really mirrors "
Oscar Wilde


The work of clinical psychologist, is to help the patient to find the necessary tools to deal with their discomfort. However, although psychologist has a number of formal knowledge about psychological processes, which it acquired in your career, you need to also realize that each "individual" represents a culture in which this operates.

Freud said that all psychology is social psychology home. In this sense, the psychologist must take into account the history of mankind, to understand how our ancient generations were formed over the years, a culture composed of a their own language, rituals, religions, traditions, philosophy, art, etc..

All these elements of culture, but today is in some cases very different from yesteryear, yet still influence our thinking, our beliefs and in the way we perceive ourselves as a nation.

For unlike the major powers, in which they tend to be themselves as powerful nations that have dominated other countries, Mexicans tend to see ourselves as a people dominated throughout history.

This feature, while not visible to the naked eye, has a major influence on our thinking, among many others that social factors influence the behavior of Mexican .

It was not just enough to know the history of a culture or social group, we must also understand how this was developing, ie as it was changing the mind conforms to the historical events that were happening with every passing year.

In psychoanalysis the individual states that do not exist or memories of past traumas, but these memories, say " traumatic" or who made a mark important in our psyche, are experienced in this, repeated acts or actions unconsciously, in order to make sense or understand those "memories" of the past. That we live in the past continues to influence our thinking and way of feeling in the present.

Similarly, the above applies to a society, whether a state, nation or even an entire continent. Take for example the second world war in which millions of innocent people died because of the ideals of a nation. This happened more than 60 years, but the impact of this event has left devastation in families, institutions, nations and continents like Europe, even to this day. No social group who have been victims of the terrible deeds committed by German fascism, forgot what its rising generations suffered.

is important to note that the present generations are formed almost entirely by people who maybe were not born in the success of the under world war. However, the experiences of a society are transmitted to new generations, not only as a historical knowledge, but is also conveyed the feelings of each person, ie generations down, to some extent, "inherited" what they experienced.

Returning to the clinical aspect, I take the above example to point out the relevance of knowing the history of our patients. We know we have many times with a history, but you must also know a patient's history of feeling, knowing you have lived your discomfort. Taking into account their personal, family and social course.

While we have been talking about the past and present, we can not put aside the future as the past also exert great influence on societies and individuals, in how they perceive the future, and expect this. A better future is the ideal of any society, and to achieve this ideal, you have to flip back and look at the past, since this will take the lessons learned so they can be applied to the present.

In clinical practice, it is also important to note that the resources and the experiences of the past, will never be erased, we can not "do as that no longer exist" . We must find the proper way to make our patient to see that while the past can not be modified, if possible change the representation we have this, and structure a new meaning to change his feeling and thinking.

A unique activity of man, by which we usually see reflected the conscious and unconscious desires of the individual, but in turn reflects much of the culture in which they live , and in which we can also see the historical influence personal and social level. This activity to which I refer is the Art.

"Art is a consequence of something that happened" Filemon Santiago says, is that art is precisely to unite elements in making abstractions but taking into account aesthetics. A work of art shows (as we review below), aspects of the artist's life, which may refer to his past or his future.
This paper will briefly review some features of the works of the artist Philemon James and Annette Messeger, exhibited in May 2010 at the Museum MARCO in Monterrey.

Analysis exhibitions

First I would like less extensively analyze the painter Filemon Santiago.

was born in Oaxaca in 1958, studied art in this city and years later he moved to the city of Chicago. The same author says in a documentary series another way to look , that contact with this city makes a big impact, since the city came from a semi-rural, unlike the other which is a large industrial city and developed, also changing the culture and language.

This cultural change greatly influenced the artist's work, however, as he discussed his acquaintances in Chicago, felt that Filemon Santiago in particular shows a very it, and this is his great sense of belonging to their land Oaxaca. " He knows who he is, it came from and who is its people," said friends. Certainly according to the U.S. this is easy to notice in a Mexican Filemon Santiago as it is because Americans are highly individualistic, in contrast to the collectivist Mexican culture.

can see as many of the works of Philemon James present the same items again and again and they also have a close relationship with its roots, place of origin. For example are the many paintings that he painted chickens, some covertly and other eye. We also see corn on several occasions, characteristic of Mexico. Shellfish also are present, whether fish, lobsters and more. All these items speak much of the original culture of Filemon Santiago. Is characteristic of the style of their work is the similarity in the faces and the complexion of all its characters and even between men and women.

Vygotsky says that "most obvious reasons for an artistic effect hidden in the unconscious" and I totally agree with this. I do not pretend to be exhaustive in this essay, so I do not come forward to make an interpretation of this painting, but if I dare say that there is something in the works of the author that let you represent many of her fantasies, whether unconscious or not.

The museum does an interview MARCO Philemon Santiago, where we spoke briefly, among other things, about the creative process. It says " creativity does not come as a magic moment, but as the consequence of being continuously insisting on your job." Personally, as a musician and composer, I identify in this regard. While it appears that most viewers think that the creation a work of art "is given easily," easily artist or have a "gift " requires also work and perseverance, he dared to acknowledge and represent your own desires and fantasies, and as said Philemon, a lot of patience.

Now let's review a little about the work of Annette Messager . She is French, born in 1943. His works often include photographs, prints, drawings, and other materials. He studied at the School of Decorative Arts in Paris. Later travels the world and wins awards for photography among others.

Philemon I did not know James or Annette Messager when I went to the museum exhibitions MARCO, but I have to admit that I identify more with the work of Annette Messager, reasons I can not fully explain, but at least try to explain to the reader because, as a material for this test.

The work caused the most impact on me was "War of the Worlds" . This work on first impression leads me very much, to see two balls floating and crashing by the force exerted by the wind from the fans on them. However, there was something in this book that left me spellbound for several minutes. At times I feel as though these balls were actually two worlds at war, and every bump represent war and destruction. A similar effect occurred me Casino works, Articulated-broken, Black Stains, among others.

has this wonderful art feature that allows us to identify, sometimes without realizing it, with the latent content in the works, and live our fantasies through them as if they were foreign to us. It is through the aesthetic form that art us traps, but at the same time as hiding something that reflects our unconscious desires. It is through this last quality of the way that we identify with the art and enjoy it without it posing a threat to us.

Annette Messager Just manages to combine these two characteristics aesthetic and harmonious. His works speak of the forbidden sexual desires, and others who may not be expressed in words rather than artistic effects. The art is revealed as a symptom of something that is not expressed in all its intensity.

see that Annette Messager uses in his works everyday items such as toys, clothes, and also uses photography, drawing, painting and other elements.
At first my reaction to this contemporary art, was somewhat negative, as my understanding Art has always been attached to the fine arts such as painting, music, sculpture, literature and dance. So I took some work to see the works of the author and art from my point of view.

I can tell now that the first element of artistic form, aesthetics I mean, I can not get my attention at all, but with still inside in the form works by Annette Messager, the second element of the way, I get into my psyche. Then unconsciously, I identified with that lack of "aesthetic" that I allegedly could not perceive. There was something I was seducing insidiously.

Annette Messager, from elements of daily life in some way under me a new conception of art. And change my way of thinking about contemporary art, as demand for new desires and fantasies, other than those represented by centuries ago by the classical arts.


Both art and the history show "a consequence of something that happened" the individual or society, and history shows us that we see those consequences often reflected in art.

In clinical practice we need to develop the ability to observe these consequences, see the patient that the past but lives in the present.

Symbolically, we must be able to see the art of our patients, be they artists or not. I mean all aspects of life through which will be able to resolve what ails you.

the same way that Annette Messenger achievement creating art using elements of everyday life, we help our patients to find those elements to achieve create your own work of art.

Art has been little studied by psychology, due perhaps to science has been too influenced by positivism, where everything has to be observable, measurable and measurable. However, most of the psychological processes in humans are not observable, measurable or quantifiable.

psychoanalysis, not being a science in the orthodox sense, is able to study everything that rejects science, like love, dreams and art, between others.

see throughout history that art has been a distinctive element to suit your style, every society, in a certain period of time. So through art we can learn a lot about human psychology.

art is not only a means of expression, but also a tool to reach the unconscious processes of man and his psyche. It is like the daily art history.

I dare say that in the future, when you have more tools and emerging new knowledge to study the art, this will be recognized with more value currently attached to it. For if we come to understand the psychological processes that involve artistic creativity, we will have a more complete understanding of psychology, and with this, possibly, better clinical practice.

Monterrey NL, June 3, 2010

Friday, May 28, 2010

Knox Translation Online

WHY LOSE CONTROL IN CONCERT? Online applications


Raziel TOVAR

"After silence, which comes closest to expressing the inexpressible is music"
Aldous Huxley

"In music all the feelings back to its pure state and the world is only made real music"
Arthur Schopenhauer


What determines that a massive event like a music concert, people lose control or act in a coordinated manner as if they were a team, or that are no longer controlled by the person which is attributed to the leader position?, Is it about the genre, the artist's presence, the influence of the crowd, or is you decide to let go?

Freud raises Psychology and the Analysis of Self different hypotheses about what are the forces or causes which operate by the masses, although there to take into account that not only speaks of the ephemeral masses, but also by groups, institutions, organizations, etc. However in 1921 these concepts did not exist to distinguish the kind of mass.
This particular essay will talk about the masses are as ephemeral as music concerts, but taking into account not only the characteristics of mass, but also an artistic element, the music.

I am particularly interested to analyze the phenomenon of the concerts, because I believe in these, the masses operate radically different from others in terms of genre, but it shares the goal enjoy the work of the group or artist that are followers.

Freud said that "psychology is at once individual and social psychology from the start, also art, in this case music, is essentially a social process of human beings . Therefore neither the psychology nor art can be studied by the illusion that man is an isolated individual that creates its own reality. The concept of individual has no other function than to represent a particle of a social universe.

And what better way to study these two concepts of psychology and art share a quintessential social background, a phenomenon which is closely related as in a musical concert.


What is the reason that music is the art that manages to meet more people while at an event? Although the other arts also manages to make massive events, none of them achieved the same amount or intensity than the music. For example, in February 2006, the Rolling Stones played to more than one million people on Copacabana, Brazil. For more 30 years in the U.S., the Woodstock concert meeting each year to more than 100 thousand people. This is something that has never been seen in a presentation of a play, an exhibition of literature, painting or dance as a central attraction, as we remember that the latter is accompanied by music. This observation allows us to create the hypothesis that music has a particular effect on the rest of the arts on individuals and more intense over the masses.

Since the early 60's with the Beatles, we have seen the concert usually manage to collect more People are the rock concert. But it would be naive to say by this, which is then rock music cause they know so massive concerts. It has also been seen that concert from other musical genres such as jazz, pop, electronica, classical, among other genres have also amassed hundreds of thousands of people.

But anyone who has attended a rock concert, is able to realize the energy and euphoria that live in them. We can not deny that this sort, with all its variants such as punk, metal, goth and a lot rather than make use of distortion on the guitars, cause a different effect on viewers and artists than other genres. It is in these kinds of concerts, we observe that facilitates collective soul spoken of Gustave Le Bon . The simple fact of being together so many rockers as crowd gives a new personality.

can see on many occasions and the masses that form in rock concerts are very easily able to sacrifice their physical and moral integrity to follow the common ideal. Usual forming the traditional dance slam in which dozens of people start turning in circles, jumping, kicking, pushing and slapping at the same time. Now imagine this dance without music and without a crowd around it would surely be an action that would seem quite absurd.

why Freud said that deep entertain crowds fetishistic respect for tradition. Many women in rock concerts, they often throw their underwear to the public, when it would normally be embarrassed in another context. However, albeit ephemeral, for rock concerts libidinal form strong bonds among the crowd, which also allows to give including a very close proximity that vanishes once the concert is over.

But to understand more the influence of music is appropriate to review two very important features of art which refers to Vygotsky in Psychology and Art , Chapter Art and Psychoanalysis . The first is of a sensory ie the form must be pleasing to the senses and produce a superficial pleasure, the second form should deceive the censorship of consciousness by a costume created by the artist, enabling him to reveal the forbidden desire. It is this last feature is what allows people to consciously or unconsciously identify with a work of art. And you may reveal this quality of forbidden desire, have the greatest influence on rock music in other genres.

rock music since its inception has played all sorts of topics in their lyrics such as: love, hate, death, destruction, suicide, sex, rape, deception, perversion, treason, parricide, corruption, drug use and many issues over which most of them are not permitted by the culture to express their desires and fantasies that are at issue. However, the art has this beautiful property to allow us to express our deepest desires into consciousness in a way that is socially acceptable, because these fantasies are living with the illusion that they are alien to us, as belonging to the artwork and not us.

Now let us add this to the trend vanishing masses the feeling of responsibility, in which the superego is diluted or replaced in accordance with the ideal of the group. We as a possible result a host let himself be led primarily by the pleasure principle. Not for nothing is so famous motto sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll . In sex we obtain the discharge of tension from the body, on drugs, whether illicit or not, such as snuff and alcohol, we found a direct route to pleasure without effort and sense of well being even temporarily, and rock 'n' roll, find the art that allows us to fantasize about the unconscious desires and prohibited.

has been seen around the world as the combination of music and crowds can be very destructive, or conversely of great benefit to society through selfless actions. On the one hand we have seen live in different parts of the world where the crowd has come to set fire to the premises, there have been people who die struck, crushed or overdose of drugs and even murder have become one of the artists on stage . But we have also seen as Live 8 concert, bringing together hundreds of thousands of people and also involving multinational corporations, to combat extreme poverty and other such selfless actions.

Conclusion There are still many other elements that would have to analyze in detail to answer the questions posed at the beginning of the text, as is the influence of the artist or the event leader, or the influence of musical elements such as rhythm, we know that the pace has been inherent in human beings for thousands of years, so what could be the effect of a particular rhythm in a mass or crowd.

And of course we would need to also compare what happens in other concert music such as classical, jazz, flamenco and even more interesting that Eastern music is having another musical structure very different from Western. We also know that throughout history music has been a key element in ancient religious rites. This short essay rather than trying to give answers or theories, is to encourage the reflection of the extraordinary influence that can have music in a given group mass or crowd.

Monterrey NL, May 28 2010