Raziel TOVAR
"After silence, which comes closest to expressing the inexpressible is music"
Aldous Huxley
"In music all the feelings back to its pure state and the world is only made real music"
Arthur Schopenhauer
What determines that a massive event like a music concert, people lose control or act in a coordinated manner as if they were a team, or that are no longer controlled by the person which is attributed to the leader position?, Is it about the genre, the artist's presence, the influence of the crowd, or is you decide to let go?
Freud raises Psychology and the Analysis of Self different hypotheses about what are the forces or causes which operate by the masses, although there to take into account that not only speaks of the ephemeral masses, but also by groups, institutions, organizations, etc. However in 1921 these concepts did not exist to distinguish the kind of mass.
This particular essay will talk about the masses are as ephemeral as music concerts, but taking into account not only the characteristics of mass, but also an artistic element, the music.
I am particularly interested to analyze the phenomenon of the concerts, because I believe in these, the masses operate radically different from others in terms of genre, but it shares the goal enjoy the work of the group or artist that are followers.
Freud said that "psychology is at once individual and social psychology from the start, also art, in this case music, is essentially a social process of human beings . Therefore neither the psychology nor art can be studied by the illusion that man is an isolated individual that creates its own reality. The concept of individual has no other function than to represent a particle of a social universe.
And what better way to study these two concepts of psychology and art share a quintessential social background, a phenomenon which is closely related as in a musical concert.
What is the reason that music is the art that manages to meet more people while at an event? Although the other arts also manages to make massive events, none of them achieved the same amount or intensity than the music. For example, in February 2006, the Rolling Stones played to more than one million people on Copacabana, Brazil. For more 30 years in the U.S., the Woodstock concert meeting each year to more than 100 thousand people. This is something that has never been seen in a presentation of a play, an exhibition of literature, painting or dance as a central attraction, as we remember that the latter is accompanied by music. This observation allows us to create the hypothesis that music has a particular effect on the rest of the arts on individuals and more intense over the masses.
Since the early 60's with the Beatles, we have seen the concert usually manage to collect more People are the rock concert. But it would be naive to say by this, which is then rock music cause they know so massive concerts. It has also been seen that concert from other musical genres such as jazz, pop, electronica, classical, among other genres have also amassed hundreds of thousands of people.
But anyone who has attended a rock concert, is able to realize the energy and euphoria that live in them. We can not deny that this sort, with all its variants such as punk, metal, goth and a lot rather than make use of distortion on the guitars, cause a different effect on viewers and artists than other genres. It is in these kinds of concerts, we observe that facilitates collective soul spoken of Gustave Le Bon . The simple fact of being together so many rockers as crowd gives a new personality.
can see on many occasions and the masses that form in rock concerts are very easily able to sacrifice their physical and moral integrity to follow the common ideal. Usual forming the traditional dance slam in which dozens of people start turning in circles, jumping, kicking, pushing and slapping at the same time. Now imagine this dance without music and without a crowd around it would surely be an action that would seem quite absurd.
why Freud said that deep entertain crowds fetishistic respect for tradition. Many women in rock concerts, they often throw their underwear to the public, when it would normally be embarrassed in another context. However, albeit ephemeral, for rock concerts libidinal form strong bonds among the crowd, which also allows to give including a very close proximity that vanishes once the concert is over.
But to understand more the influence of music is appropriate to review two very important features of art which refers to Vygotsky in Psychology and Art , Chapter Art and Psychoanalysis . The first is of a sensory ie the form must be pleasing to the senses and produce a superficial pleasure, the second form should deceive the censorship of consciousness by a costume created by the artist, enabling him to reveal the forbidden desire. It is this last feature is what allows people to consciously or unconsciously identify with a work of art. And you may reveal this quality of forbidden desire, have the greatest influence on rock music in other genres.
rock music since its inception has played all sorts of topics in their lyrics such as: love, hate, death, destruction, suicide, sex, rape, deception, perversion, treason, parricide, corruption, drug use and many issues over which most of them are not permitted by the culture to express their desires and fantasies that are at issue. However, the art has this beautiful property to allow us to express our deepest desires into consciousness in a way that is socially acceptable, because these fantasies are living with the illusion that they are alien to us, as belonging to the artwork and not us.
Now let us add this to the trend vanishing masses the feeling of responsibility, in which the superego is diluted or replaced in accordance with the ideal of the group. We as a possible result a host let himself be led primarily by the pleasure principle. Not for nothing is so famous motto sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll . In sex we obtain the discharge of tension from the body, on drugs, whether illicit or not, such as snuff and alcohol, we found a direct route to pleasure without effort and sense of well being even temporarily, and rock 'n' roll, find the art that allows us to fantasize about the unconscious desires and prohibited.
has been seen around the world as the combination of music and crowds can be very destructive, or conversely of great benefit to society through selfless actions. On the one hand we have seen live in different parts of the world where the crowd has come to set fire to the premises, there have been people who die struck, crushed or overdose of drugs and even murder have become one of the artists on stage . But we have also seen as Live 8 concert, bringing together hundreds of thousands of people and also involving multinational corporations, to combat extreme poverty and other such selfless actions.
Conclusion There are still many other elements that would have to analyze in detail to answer the questions posed at the beginning of the text, as is the influence of the artist or the event leader, or the influence of musical elements such as rhythm, we know that the pace has been inherent in human beings for thousands of years, so what could be the effect of a particular rhythm in a mass or crowd.
And of course we would need to also compare what happens in other concert music such as classical, jazz, flamenco and even more interesting that Eastern music is having another musical structure very different from Western. We also know that throughout history music has been a key element in ancient religious rites. This short essay rather than trying to give answers or theories, is to encourage the reflection of the extraordinary influence that can have music in a given group mass or crowd.
Monterrey NL, May 28 2010