Back to Patrick Fortin Olmos and Jorge Goldenberg
In 1966, Patrick Coll and Jorge Goldenberg, with Hugo Luis Zanger and Bonomo, filmed the documentary "Hachero just" in the wooded wedge of northern province of Santa Fe. The movie was about the social situation of the loggers in the region and the crew set up its base in a small town called Fort Olmos. Through testimonies and excerpts from "just Hachero" BACK TO OLMOS FORTÍN reconstructs the experience of social promotion that between 1960 and 1975, was carried out by Catholic priests and lay workers from the cities between loggers exploited the mountains of northeastern Argentina. Far from simplifying all apologetic, the thoughts that the film intends to represent more than the rescue of an attitude, a critical appreciation of the effort, its possible shortcomings, contradictions and ethical conflicts that daily must confront its protagonists; problems in Finally, still questioning the present.

Patrick Coll:
born in Entre Ríos in 1941, graduates from Film Director Documentary Film Institute at the Universidad Nacional del Litoral. In 1965 he wrote and directed his first documentary Don Anselmo. Since then he has worked professionally for decades in various productions of film, video and television, both in Argentina and Venezuela and Spain. Today is also a professor at the Universidad Nacional del Litoral.
Jorge Goldenberg: Born in Buenos Aires in 1941, he graduated from the specialty of Conduct at the Institute of Cinematography of the Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Since then he has written dozens of movie scripts and texts for the theater. Among many others, was the author of the screenplays for sweet dishes, Fernando Ayala (1982), Miss Mary, Maria Luisa Bemberg (1986), The King's film, by Carlos Sorin (1986), That does not speak of Maria Luisa Bemberg and leakage of Eduardo Mignogna (2001).
Awards: Special Jury Mention
, Competition Latin American Festival of Mar del Plata International 2008, 1st Special Mention. National Festival of Black Film and Video Projects Rio 2009.
Selected: Competition
14 º Festival Internacional de Documetario "É Tudo Verdade" in Sao Paulo - Brazil Invited to the 48 th Ibero-American Film Festival of Cartagena de Indias - Colombia, International Panorama Invited to Festival of Uruguay Montevideo - Uruguay, Invited to Festival of Lima, 13 Encuentro Latinoamericano de Cine - Peru, selected for competition in the Marfici, Mar del Plata International Independent Film Festival, selected for the Documentary Competition Latin American Festival of Cinema and Video Cinesul in Rio de Janeiro - Brazil Invited to PIRIAPOLIS FILM Festival, Uruguay, Invited to the XIII Argentine Film Week Salta.
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