Friday, July 30, 2010

How To Cut Hairs Of Penis In Designs


Raziel Tovar

Why bother to invest money on advertising in asserting that Mexicans are people values \u200b\u200bsuch as honesty, responsibility, and others? Precisely because we lack them, otherwise what would be the sense of this. It should not be so easily fooled. It is said that every people has the government it deserves, "the people of Mexico will be a reflection of its government or the government reflects its people? Whatever the answer, we must create a town better structured and more organized to have a real government that fights for the common good.

are many rights that are violated in Mexico today, although we are already few months to celebrate 200 years of independence. Corruption exists in any social, political, ecclesiastical, or cultural, whether you're rich or poor. Corruption in Mexico is no longer just an act, but that it is a culture, and even a kind of ideology. Not for nothing is as popular as phrases "that no tranza no-go , among others.

We also know that as there are corrupt people, there are honest people, and so there are in any social stratum regardless of socioeconomic level, in politics or any other organizations. Although it seems that every time there fewer people of good character, either through fear or because every time the culture of corruption is more and more supporters, largely because of the difficult living conditions in the country.

Now But planteémonos the following: Why over 200 years of independence, has grown increasingly more of a culture of corruption, not ideology, values \u200b\u200band virtues. Let us make a brief analysis of a cold and stark.

Take for example organized crime. As the name implies, organized crime, (forgive the redundancy) is organized, ie, functions as a network with different functions, hierarchies etc., as does an institution. We no longer talk of old criminals who stole the fly and without a structured planning. We talk about criminals who are leaders in their groups, who know how masses, widely known social context of the country for both know the economy, politics, know how to handle different social spheres and meet key leaders of different sectors, but particularly knowledge of laws and legal aspects.

Yes, it sounds ironic, known organized crime laws, because there are two ways of violating a law. One is violating it explicitly, ie, ignoring or just the opposite of what the law dictates, so manifest, for example, murder or robbery. And the other is knowing the law, as any law that is created by human beings, will at some point your Achilles heel. All laws to be made up of words has its holes, it is with these holes in the laws with which lawyers can defend his client, is at fault or not.

now ask: Does there is any organization, organized crime, you have true leaders who can lead the masses, who works as a network that develops in all social, political, ecclesiastical, economic and have a true, deep and broad knowledge of the social context of the country but that instead of using this knowledge to do the crime, a practical use for society?

In theory, yes, this organization should be the government, which is what is supposed to care about the common good of the people, unfortunately this does not parce be. But while there are many institutions or organizations that do not concern policy, whose main objective is good, and are made up of leaders and honest people and values.

However, many times, the problem of law-abiding people, whose values \u200b\u200bequality, respect and honesty, tend to be very condescending. And I mean condescending not used to take stronger measures and effective.

When we notice that our rights are violated, or are victims of corruption and crime is not enough to raise his voice to assert our rights. If our rights are not respected, then they rise up in arms, but not with guns but with the weapons of honest people, who are the rest of our rights and our capabilities as highly competent citizens.

is necessary that the people who care for the common good of society's organize strategically to show us what a citizen or civil partnership, is capable of doing, knowing the holes in the laws, not to allow violating our rights through those holes. And all without the need to break the framework of the law. Precisely within the law, but knowing it will be our most powerful weapon, against the ignorant who do not know the rights of freemen, or the corrupt who knows but prefers to corrupt in his favor.

The corrupt are often intelligent, and is also empathetic because their power is based mainly on what we call roughly "levers" , so people must be even more honest smarter and more empathic than them. Not enough to be optimistic about the situations of adversity. Not enough to give you a pat on the back of our brother in difficult situations. One thing to be a motivator and say simple words of encouragement as vague "Everything will be okay" or "do not worry, you did not do anything wrong," and another thing to act. Let therefore corrupt corruption.

vague words are useless if not put into practice, you have to do is to create tools for progress, organize, develop leaders, defend corruption by new methods, since to date no one has been created that is truly effective. We must be more organized than organized crime and beating the corrupt!

Monterrey, NL, July 30, 2010

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Bionicle Building Instructions Vezon


By: Raziel Tovar

"Being independent is one thing small minority, is the privilege of the strong "

" Where is possible to speak of freedom the state as such ceases to exist "

This September 16, our beloved country, Mexico, will celebrate its bicentennial year of independence. But to celebrate big as it should be, we must ask ourselves what we are going to celebrate. That's so important to so-called "independence" we are taught from primary and that our government has taken the "nuisance" to spend millions in advertising and lots of preparations for the celebrations, to sell, sorry, remind us that this year will celebrate the awaited bicentennial. Let us therefore some of the many things to celebrate.

celebrate that we are a country with education, who knows his history, I am sure that any known Mexican military campaigns won by Morelos, along with Mariano Matamoros, Nicolás Bravo, Vicente Guerrero, Galena and other characters who helped consummate the independence of Mexico. But to discuss it if we all know what these heroes did for us. Best talk of other things that we can not ignore.

celebrate that we are an economically independent country ... well, we depend almost entirely on the U.S. economy, plus we have a huge debt to pay off, and carry it off for several years in economic crisis but that's just an unimportant detail.

There are more things to celebrate, such as we are a free country, where more than a century, slavery was abolished, and now we can be citizens with the assurance that We respect our freedom, for the small exception that occasionally, there is one other murder, dozens of murders by drug trafficking and organized crime in states like Nuevo Leon, Coahuila, Tamaulipas, Matamoros, Mexico and a few another state. It does not happen or that we kidnapped some of our children found a grenade in our backyard and fragmented they explode, but of course, no one takes away our freedom! The good news is that crime is organized, not disorganized , bone these two hundred years we have been progressing, we are more organized now!, Which finally ended, our honorable criminals are also proudly Mexican.

but not all, there's more to celebrate!, Celebrate that we are a country where everyone has a voice and equal vote, is a country with democracy, so any Mexican can proudly say that never, in any election in our country has been suspected of any fraud election. Because democracy is everyone!

celebrate that we are an entrepreneurial and growing country, so the president Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna Santana sold half of Mexico's territory to the United States to earn a few dollars as a good entrepreneur.

But that's not important, because we are a country of culture, traditions originating in our land, so here in Monterey and some other cities we like to celebrate the 31 October with masks, costumes and sweets, and of course, prefer a thousand times to buy a Mexican product that one American, a movie a gringo Mexican, or eat some good tacos before going to a McDonald's. We are so proud of our independence and culture, which extol above all, first to Mexico rather than abroad.

We are an independent country, only that for some strange reason there are thousands and thousands of illegal Mexican immigrants abroad, plus they say who migrate to seek a better life. But why seek a better life abroad, what maybe 200 years of independence has not given us a better quality of life?

Or might it be that we are confusing the concept of independence? Perhaps independence are the 53mil million dollars, Forbes magazine has Carlos Slim, who owns Telmex, Sanborn and other companies and currently ranks as the world's richest person, or 6mil million Ricardo Salinas Pliego, owner of TV Azteca and Grupo Elektra, or more than one billion dollars of Emiliano Azcarraga Jean, owner of Grupo Televisa, and the millions of the roughly 30 families from Mexico who have most the country's wealth. Rest assured that these people and their millions help us become an independent Mexico, and thanks to our "democracy" our vote counts just as anyone of them, should not doubt for a second that this is not so!

Long live our 200 years of independence. Long live our independent Mexico, honest and not corrupt, hardworking and responsible before apathetic. And if at some point we Quintan our beloved independence, at least we have the tequila and Sunday roast to not think about it.


Monterrey, NL July 29, 2010